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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Understanding the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society's Truth. (English Articles)

Hello all!

So far this blog has been written only focusing on sharing information regarding the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Spanish territories. Starting from today, I will start to translate some of my previous entries into English for the benefit of the English-speaking readers that may be involved in researching about this religion.

As a summary of my blog, the covered topics are: the life of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their spiritual paradise inside their organization. The Watchtower Society and how the Governing Body controls the whole pyramid of believers under their surveillance. I also talk about the regular meetings in their Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, and Conventions.

Much of my citations is taken from their publications such as:
- The Watchtower and Awake! Magazines
- The New World Translation (Jehovah’s Witnesses own version of the Bible)
- Insight on the Scriptures, 2 volumes (1988)
- Aid to Bible Understanding (1971)
- Reasoning from the Scriptures (1985, revised 1989)
- Comprehensive Concordance of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (1973)
- All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial (1963, revised 1983, 1990)
- Equipped for Every Good Work (1946)
- What Does the Bible Really Teach? (2005) (Available online)
- Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life (1995, revised 1997, 2000)
- You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth (1982, revised 1989)
- The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life (1968, revised 1981)
- Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie (1965)
- You May Survive Armageddon into God's New World (1955)
- Let God Be True (1946, revised 1952)
- The Harp of God (1921)
- Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1920)

It is also part of my blog to talk about how the Jehovah’s witnesses are organized in their cult and their respective positions (from bottom to top): Associates, Bible Student, Unbaptized Publisher, Publisher, Auxiliary Pioneer, Regular Pioneer, Special Pioneer, Missionary, Bethelite (Bethel), Ministerial Servant, Elder, Congregation Overseer, Traveling Overseers, Circuit Overseer, District Overseer, Zone Overseer, Branch Overseer, Bethel Elder, Governing Body Helper, Governing Body.

Currently, the Governing Body of the Jehovah’s Witnesses located in Brooklyn, NY; Wallkill, NY; Warwick, NY; and Patterson, NY, is currently formed by these members:
- Samuel Herd
- Geoffrey Jackson
- Stephen Lett
- Gerrit Lösch
- Anthony Morris III
- Mark Sanderson
- David H. Splane

Former members are:
- Charles Russell (1884-1916)
- J. F. Rutherford (1916-1942)
- Thomas J. Sullivan (1932–1974)
- Grant Suiter (1938–1983)
- Nathan Homer Knorr (1940–1977)
- Frederick William Franz (1944–1992)
- Lyman Alexander Swingle (1945–2001)
- Milton George Henschel (1947–2003)
- John O. Groh (1965–1975)
- Raymond Franz (1971–1980)
- George D. Gangas (1971–1994)
- Leo K. Greenlees (1971–1984)
- William K. Jackson (1971–1981)
- William Lloyd Barry (1974–1999)
- John C. Booth (1974–1996)
- Ewart Chitty (1974–1979)
- Charles J. Fekel (1974–1977)
- Theodore Jaracz (1974–2010)
- Karl F. Klein (1974–2001)[
- Albert D. Schroeder (1974–2006)
- Daniel Sydlik (1974–2006)
- Carey W. Barber (1977–2007)
- John E. Barr (1977–2010)
- Martin Pötzinger (1977–1988)
- Guy Hollis Pierce (1999–2014)

Currently, the Watchtower organization is conducting much of their education efforts via online using its website jw.org as a vehicle to deliver their current teachings and publications.

Many scandals have been brought to light lately about these men and how they manage the rest of million of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world. Child Abuse, Child Molestation, Pedophilia, Money practices and shady businesses, Tax evasion, Real Estate questionable businesses, dangerous bible doctrine, shunning, death of people regarding the abstinence of blood transfusions, records with the FBI, Hitler and the Nazi Germany, etc.

All these aspects about the Watchtower Organization, the Christian Congregation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and all its associated legal entities are covered in over 800+ posts in Spanish so far. Some of them will be translated so bookmark this blog and follow the updates.

All of you are welcome!

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