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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Islamic ISIS, the Christian Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Watchtower, and their Governing Body – Intro

Islamic ISIS Beheading
As far as we can perceive, the non-Islamic world -or so-called “westerns” mainly, is not understanding really well the doctrinal motives ISIS has to be… ISIS (“Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” or “Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham”). Regular people just have catalogued them simply as fanatics or fundamentalists and the President Barack Obama have portrayed ISIS as not Islamic.

A recent article with the title “What ISIS Really Wants” by the contributing editor at “The Atlantic”, Graeme Wood, about the doctrinal background of the Sunni ISIS, have thrown some light about this issue and how this theology serves as THE engine for the ISIS machinery.

As my Spanish-speaking readers have well-known for several years now, I was associated with the religion of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the capacity of an elder (overseer with pastoral and administrative authority) during several years of my 20+ years of experience within the religious community as an active and in “great-standing member” in several countries.

When I knew about the ISIS article, I read it with much interest. For my surprise, but not really much unexpectedly, the amount of striking similarities between the beliefs and practices of ISIS and the Jehovah’s Witnesses was amazing.

Christian Jehovah's Witnesses Beheading: Disfellowshipping

I will try to describe these similarities by making comparisons as much as my experience within the religion allows me to do. While I have never claimed scholarly of any sort, my comments –as always, are just based on my firsthand 20+ experience with the Witnesses’ organization.

Subscribe to my blog and/or bookmark it so you can receive the next updates regarding this and other interesting posts regarding the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their “ISIS-like” religious practices.

Part I: http://testigoscristianosdejehova.blogspot.com/2015/02/islamic-isis-christian-jehovahs_22.html
Part II: http://testigoscristianosdejehova.blogspot.com/2015/02/islamic-isis-christian-jehovahs_72.html

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